Join us for a film screening of 'Milk (2008)' following the life of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to public office in the United States. The movie follows Milk's life from his 40th birthday to his assassination in 1978. It shows how he left New York and moved to San Francisco's Castro District with his lover, Scott Smith. There, he opened a camera shop that became a gathering place for the local gay community. Milk ran for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors three times before winning in 1977. On the board, he met Dan White, who came to resent Milk after he opposed White's projects. In 1978, White shot and killed Milk and Mayor George Moscone.
Content Rating: Motion Picture Rating (MPA) Rated R for language, some sexual content and brief violence. For detailed trigger warnings please visit:
All films will be held at the LLC Cinema followed by a short discussion with snacks.
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