Zimmerli Art Museum

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Tour: Zimmerli Art Museum

The Zimmerli Art Museum holds the largest collection of Soviet nonconformist art in the world, showcasing Russia’s diverse artistic heritage. Over 20,000 works by more than 1,000 artists reveal a culture that defied the strict, state-imposed conventions of Socialist Realism. The collection also includes nonconformist art produced in numerous ethnically-diverse Soviet republics.

This tour will also include a current exhibition - The Body Implied - where artists explore the body in relation to the state and the self. With Gorbachev’s glasnost (openness), artists from 1970 and onwards have been able to more openly critique the Soviet regime and respond to political, and artistic, repression.

To Register: Click on the button below to login into docshr.rutgers.edu, under session details click the 'enroll' button. 
